Percentage Daily of
Expenditure per Capita by Group Expenditure of Food and Non Food
Indonesia, 1999 and 2002
No. |
Province |
1999 |
2002 |
2003 |
2004 |
Food |
Food |
Food |
Food |
Food |
Food |
Food |
Food |
1 |
71,90 |
28,10 |
- |
- |
2 |
Sumatera Utara |
68,33 |
31,67 |
65,52 |
34,48 |
3 |
Sumatera Barat |
68,99 |
31,01 |
64,63 |
35,37 |
4 |
Riau |
69,53 |
30,47 |
61,99 |
38,01 |
5 |
Jambi |
71,23 |
28,77 |
66,22 |
33,78 |
6 |
Sumatera Selatan |
70,35 |
29,65 |
63,75 |
36,25 |
7 |
Bengkulu |
67,37 |
32,63 |
68,08 |
31,92 |
8 |
Lampung |
68,91 |
31,09 |
65,22 |
34,78 |
9 |
Kep. Bangka
Belitung |
- |
- |
65,50 |
34,50 |
10 |
DKI Jakarta |
46,22 |
53,78 |
40,53 |
59,47 |
11 |
Jawa Barat |
61,03 |
38,97 |
59,16 |
40,84 |
12 |
Jawa Tengah |
64,17 |
35,83 |
59,31 |
40,69 |
13 |
DI Yogyakarta |
55,34 |
44,66 |
50,41 |
49,59 |
14 |
Jawa Timur |
63,76 |
36,24 |
57,87 |
42,13 |
15 |
Banten |
- |
- |
56,62 |
43,38 |
16 |
Bali |
58,94 |
41,06 |
50,96 |
49,04 |
17 |
Nusa Tenggara
Barat |
70,58 |
29,42 |
67,89 |
32,11 |
18 |
Nusa Tenggara
Timur |
70,18 |
29,82 |
67,28 |
32,72 |
19 |
Kalimantan Brat |
71,44 |
28,56 |
65,18 |
34,82 |
20 |
Tengah |
73,56 |
26,49 |
69,93 |
30,07 |
21 |
Selatan |
69,19 |
30,81 |
65,14 |
34,86 |
22 |
Kalimantan Timur |
62,17 |
37,83 |
56,59 |
43,41 |
23 |
Sulawesi Utara |
66,12 |
33,88 |
60,19 |
39,81 |
24 |
Sulawesi Tengah |
66,03 |
33,97 |
63,30 |
36,70 |
25 |
Sulawesi Selatan |
64,45 |
35,55 |
62,32 |
34,86 |
26 |
Tenggara |
66,83 |
33,17 |
64,18 |
43,41 |
27 |
Gorontalo |
- |
- |
70,01 |
29,99 |
28 |
Maluku |
63,45 |
36,55 |
- |
- |
29 |
Maluku Utara |
- |
- |
- |
- |
30 |
Papua |
66,22 |
33,78 |
- |
- |
62,94 |
37,06 |
58,47 |
47,18 |
Source: |
- |
National Socio
Economic Survey, Module Consumption, Year 1999 and
2002 |
Year 2003 and
2004 cannot be presented at province level (only including
panel 10.000 households) |